Erm... If you only filter hatemail / inappropriate language / spam /
viruses on the gateway, your internal employees can then send hatemail /
inappropriate language / spam / viruses.  Hence the Exchange store
product and the separate gateway product.  Use the gateway to keep the
junk from the Internet from hitting you, and use the Exchange store
product to do it internally, if you have a mandate.  Many companies do.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hansen, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, January 16, 2003 1:19 PM
Posted To: MSExchange Mailing List
Conversation: the spam product question
Subject: RE: the spam product question

And that's bad, correct.  My somewhat limited knowledge would think
that's bad.

So is it safe to assume that as I look at product, because it's a
gateway product, that it doesn't need to be software specific cause I'll
never be actually installing exchange 5.5 on my antispam server?

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Blackstone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 11:43 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: the spam product question

Because some people want that I guess...

-----Original Message-----
From: Hansen, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 10:29 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: the spam product question

Our scenario is 1 5.5 mailbox server, 1 5.5 SMTP server, and a recently
aquired "ANTISPAM" server.  This will be the gateway.  So am I bound by
exchange 5.5 still since I'm not actually going to install it on the
exchange server or the smtp server?  I would think not, but I'm not

And if I don't need a product specific then why do they have for example
Symantec Filtering for Exchange, and things like that?


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Blackstone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 11:22 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: the spam product question

What you want to do is get something that runs as a gateway rather than
the mail server. That will negate any issues of compatibility and keep
stuff from ever getting near the Exchange box.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hansen, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 10:12 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: the spam product question

I know I know I know, this questions has been asked a million times.  My
question has a small but important twist.

We don't content filter our email here.  Now they want to, even though
are less then 6 months away from a Exchange 2000 and/or Exchange .Net
migration, but they want to do it anyway.  I'm looking for the best spam
filter that will run on 5.5 but then will also run on 2000.  I dug
the archives a bit but didn't see this addressed.

On a side note...

They should really add the "what anti-spam product should I use?"
to the faq.

Chow bellas

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