I'm moving a 5.5 server from one machine to another. I've followed the EC
Move Server steps from the FAQ and all _seems_ good. I've rehomed the public
folders, added the replicas, moved all mailboxes and followed the MSKB on
removing the fist server in a site.

Now I'm up to the point of REMOVING the replicas of the public folders from
the old machine. The two machines have had several days to replicate, but
how do I "know" that all the PFs have replicated correctly. Once I remove
them from the old machine I'm toast if something went wrong, no? What should
I look for? Is there something in Outlook that I can see that says "I'm
looking at EX1's copy of this folder" vs "I'm looking at NEPTUNE's copy of
this folder." NEPTUNE being the old machine and EX1 the new.


Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x11
(208) 692-3308 eFax

Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)

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