> Had another episode where my Outlook clients (Outlook 2003 and 2002)
> showed my Exchange Server as unavailable (Exchange 2003 on Windows 2003
> member server).Exchange server did not show any errors.  The server's
> shared folders were available.
> I decided to stop the exchange services and restart them (stopped IIS and
> dependent services, SMTP,) When I tried to stop the Exchange Information
> Store it showed stopping, but would not stop.  I gave it fifteen minutes.
> I then had to reboot the system as I could not wait any longer.
> What would prevent the Information Store from stopping?
> I had stopped the GFI mail essentials services, and the GFI mail security
> services.
An Information Store can take up to an hour to shut down gracefully.  It
depends on the number of uncommitted transactions it has to write to the
logs.  It depends on how long it's been since there was an online backup
of the database.  It depends on how long the server's been up without

I've found that it's often faster to stop the Exchange services from the
command line rather than from Services.  The command is usually in a
format such as this:  net stop msexchangesa (to stop the System Attendant,
which will stop the other services as well).

But it's VERY normal for a store to take a long time to shut down.
> I had gone two weeks since the last time this happened.

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