> Mail Server :Exchange 5.5 SP4, Server OS Win2K SP4.
> Client OS WinXP, Office XP SP2
> We are about to start a major XP rollout at work to approximately 3000
> users and the pilots have all been going well apart from a nagging problem
> with Outlook and the 'requesting data' message. The server cards, ports
> and general I/O have been extensively tested on the servers and there are
> no dodgy eventlog messages. We are also running the latest Trend antivirus
> solutions on the servers with McAffee 7.0 on the WinXP client machines.
> I'm convinced the problem doesn't lie with the servers (but still open to
> suggestion).In fact all apparently seems to be well apart from the fact
> Outlook hangs all the time. Can anyone who has experienced this give me
> any pointers as to how they fixed the issue? It's driving me mad and could
> well delay the rollout.
> All help greatly appreciated, thanx
> Simon

You might be running into the problem of your AV sofware getting in the
way. I know that with NAV CE if I have real-time protection enabled (is
there anyone who doensn't??, every time I request to open an e-mail with
an attachment, NAV CE checks the last sig file used to scan the message.
If there is a newer sig file (and these days, that's alost a guarantee),
it insists on scanning the attachment before it will allow Exchange to
deliver the e-mail. The only work around I've ever been suggested it to
turn off Real Time protection (NOT!!)...

Just a suggestion....

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