Blimey, Greg, I can't believe people aren't making puerile jokes involving
the transposition of a vowel in your surname.

This is how I see the two sides:

Greg: Mine horse is higher than thine.  I am as important as anyone, my job
is as important as any job.  I want to be able to boast of the ethical
standards I attain for I am considerably holier than thou.  You see how
accepting massive sums of money from the oil industry and having tankers
named after you and so forth might be perceived as producing a conflict of
interest if you are a politician responsible for developing foreign policy
regarding the Middle East?  Well the MVP programme is just like that because
people who provide Microsoft consultancy are given pens.  By Microsoft.
With no strings attached.  And titles.  Which are priceless you know.

Everyone on this planet (I was going to say everyone _else_ but . . .) : For
heaven's sake GD, I don't perceive the MVP programme as producing a conflict
of interest as any rewards are unsolicited by the recipient and no demands
are made by the provider of the rewards.  

The whole scheme is very open to the point that Microsoft operate a website
describing the scheme and several members of the programme also run a site
putting forward their perspective.  People we know have received the MVP
title and have not changed their behaviour in the least (the
how-come-Ed-still-hates-PSTSs-when-he's-an-MVP? argument).  

If there really was a perceived conflict of interests people would not
accept the award as it would damage them professionally.  The scheme has
clear mutual benefits for Microsoft and the Microsoft-product-using
community as it encourages people to provide helpful on-line support but
there is nothing that amounts to a conflict of interests.  

Are we seriously supposed to believe that people who would otherwise
consider Microsoft products inferior would spend their time helping people
use them just so they could be awarded a title the only possible material
benefit of which would only pertain if they locked themselves into working
with these products?  

You are quite happy to come on here and ask the advice of these MVPs about
GroupWise clients for a project that you have costed up before you have a
solution worked out and yet you think they are unethical - don't you think
there's a certain amount of double standards here?  Your actions come across
like someone who receives benefits from the welfare state and spends their
time moaning about the immorality of capitalism.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 December 2003 15:34
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Greg's Utterly Fascinating Views on Ethics

I have not yet covered the Conflict of Interest topic but I'm sure that it
will come up eventually. Until then, here is how I see the two sides.

Accepting direct gifts from third parties, especially significant gifts
such as large dollar items and titles, presents a real or perceived
conflict of interest between an IT professional's client (either the
customer or company that he or she works for) and that third party. This
is why companies have limits on the type and dollar amount of gifts that
employees can accept from third parties. Because MVP is primarily a title
and titles are priceless, there are obvious grounds for a potential
conflict of interest. And it does not matter if the conflict of interest
is real or perceived. The whole point of ethics and conflict of interest
rules is to help keep people from getting into ethical trouble and to
remove even the specter or impropriety.

The Other Side:
The MVP title is not unethical. In fact, it does not matter what you do or
who you accept gifts from or what the type or dollar amount of those
gifts, it will never, ever constitute a conflict of interest. Furthermore,
there is really no such thing as a "conflict of interest". This whole
"conflict of interest" nonsense is, in fact, an evil plot propagated by
the secretive Illuminati. Obviously, the Illuminati have corrupted Greg's
brain and the brains of all of the corporations that have rules against
accepting gifts. Don't become another victim! Even if God himself comes
down and points out that something is obviously a potential conflict of
interest, argue with God because the Illuminati have obviously gotten to

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