For a few years I worked at a decent sized IT shop. 8 IT people, 12
programmers, 500 employees, 100 execs, and each one with at least one pc
(most execs had 2). We had a T3 mixed for data/voice, two phone systems,
equifax direct connects, 24 servers etc etc. It was the policy of our
management to allow everyone to work on outside consulting, and it was
even pushed. My boss would even sometimes line side jobs up and send a
couple of us out there (we get paid too!). Their idea behind it was we
would learn more and be sharped employees if we learned/did other things
besides the daily grind of this network. It kept most of us happy to
make the side money, happy to learn different things (ala citrix, large
ex55 orgs etc) and overall a funner work enviornment. Maybe you could
convince your guys of similar idealogies.
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