Our company sends out 10k a month and receives about 20k and I thought that was a lot!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: David N. Precht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 October 2001 13:22
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Internet gateway antivirus vendors recommendation

1 million in one day ? Doing what ?
-----Original Message-----
From: scot kight [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 07:59
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Internet gateway antivirus vendors recommendation

I have used trend mostly.
I like trend micros program, but the viruswall itself makes it difficuly to troubleshoot because its logs are "poor" in my opinion.
Not that any of the others are much better.
Overall the trend is fairly stable, I havent had it crash yet.  Sending about 30k-40k messages a day.  Record high was about 1million messages in a day.  So it definitely works!
This is with the emanagement software active.  Saying that brings up its one negative, the built in spam filters leave a little bit to be desired.  Watch out when you turn on the melissa stopper.  It stops ALL email to from or about anyone named melissa.  Not a big deal since the virusscanner part will catch it, just dont try to save the cpu cycles by having the emanager stop those messages!  They also update the spam filter regularly (with an auto update) so I suggest checking exactly what it is filtering, who knows, it might be filtering out mail you SHOULD be getting....
A client was running the norton solution.  It seemed to be fine.  Never had to mess with it at all and virii were being captured.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:26 PM
Subject: OT: Internet gateway antivirus vendors recommendation

Does anyone know of any vendors besides TrendMicro that have antivirus software for the internet gateway that covers non-smtp traffic (FTP, HTTP-downloads, etc.)?  Any experiences with them, or with TrendMicro's VirusWall / eManager?

Kerry Vosswinkel
Systems Manager
Fort Lewis College      Durango  CO
vosswinkel_k at fortlewis dot edu
(970) 247-7345

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