Yes...and much much better than mine!!


                    "Briggs, Bruce"                                                    
                    <BRIGGSBD@sysadm       To:     "MS-Exchange Admin Issues"          
          >              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
                    10/31/2001 02:57       Subject:     RE: Eseutil                    
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to "MS-Exchange                                                    
                    Admin Issues"                                                      

Excellent description.
This one should be added to the FAQs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Woodrick, Ed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 4:49 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Eseutil


You aren't going to win this one.

If you were to NEVER run eseutil again, you would have just as much space
used on your server. The 16GB limit has nothing to do with it.


Defrag ONLY takes messages that are interspersed across the database and
moves them to the front of the database.

eseutil will COMPACT a database. But it doesn't recover any space. It
actually reduces the space in the database.

The procedure that you are performing WILL REDUCE THE PERFORMANCE of your

Look at the database as a bucket. All day long you put in cubes and remove
cubes of various sizes. As you do this, the number of holes increases. If
these holes are relatively small, you can't stick a big cube in it's place
and the space becomes useless except for really small cubes.

Every night, Exchange goes through the bucket and reorganizes the cubes,
not only once, but twice. So by morning, the cubes are packed really tight
and there are no holes between the cubes. Therefore all of the unusable
space has been recovered.

Exchange recovers the unusable space every evening, twice. All you are
doing is shrinking the bucket every night. Once you shrink the bucket, you
have to work hard to expand it. EVERY message that comes into your server
during the day forces your bucket to increase in size, resulting in a
performance penalty.

I will absolutely, positively guarantee you that the process you are
performing is not giving you an advantage and actually has a high
probability of causing you problems.


     -----Original Message-----
     From: Abercrombie, Sherry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
     Posted At: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 3:11 PM
     Posted To: Exchange Sunbelt
     Conversation: Eseutil
     Subject: RE: Eseutil

     I suppose I should have been a little more informative.  I do delete a
     large amount of data on a weekly basis using the Mail Box Manager.  On
     average, it deletes about half a GB of space per week, so in my
     situation, regaining 2 GB worth of space is worthy of running eseutil
     on a monthly basis.  We have 1 Saturday a month that management has
     giving us for "Network Maintenance" were we have a 12 hour window of
     doing whatever we want to maintain our network.  Installing SP's, new
     software, replacing hardware etc.  So, in my environment of being
     stuck with Exchange 5.5 Standard, not being able to upgrade and not
     having the enterprise edition, to keep Exchange running 24/7 it is a
     necessary procedure.
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