Were there any Computer Associates products involved in the process?
Any other antivirus products?
What version of Outlook is this?  Security patch perhaps?
How did you 'add personal folders'?  Pre-Outlook2002 did not always deal
with the multiple services ver well.  Better to use File-->Open-->personal
folders (pst file) then cut and paste.

William Lefkovics, MCSE, A+, ExchangeMVP

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Valdez
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Sent: 30/11/01 4:42 PM
Subject: Lost Content or Attachments

Hi All,

I have an interesting one.

Recently setup a new Win2k Sp1 w/Exchange55 Sp4

The old mail server was a Sendmail server.  Users accessed sendmail mail
using Imap.  The Oulook client saved a pst file locally.  When I brought
user into Exchange (Outlook client using corporate/workgroup) I added a
personal folder and referenced the Imap pst file for it. I believe all
mails were there so I copied the mails into the Inbox for Outlook. It
that a few of the mails have empty content and have no attachments even
though the email says there is an attachment....Any ideas on what could



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