
It'd be good to check 1st what is generating these logs.  Our setup is
similar to yours, same products etc.  The logs sound as if they are temps
generated by BackUp Exec.  Why not double-check then call their support?
Sometimes if your are getting OTM errors or warnings in your Event logs, its
a sign of the backup malfuctioning.  Also, in the registry, do you see a
path mentioned under software/veritas/etc/etc that pertains to these?
Also,what is the extension on these logs?  TXT?  If so, its probaly safe to
move the older dated ones.

-----Original Message-----
From: Crosby, Tim (Sarcom) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 9:39 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: ever growing log files

I tried sending this yesterday, but right after we got hit by Goner so I
don't know if it ever got through.

> We have one Exchange 5.5 server, SP4, running on NT 4 SP6a.  Just recently
after the removal of one of our servers from the site, the C: drive on our
remaining exchange server has started running low on disk space.  Looking
out there in the exchsrvr\imcdata\log folder, there are about 17 different
files named L0000000, L0000001, etc.  The biggest one is almost 2GB in size
and some of the others are over 100MB.  
> Couple of questions.  Should these logs be this big?  I thought when you
do a full backup it was supposed to flush the logs.  We use Backup Exec 7.3
and are doing full backups every day.  Circular logging is enabled.  We have
checked these logs for the past 4 days or so and they are growing larger
each day.  
> Second, can I just run the optimizer and move these logs to a bigger
partition?  I suggested doing that, but one of my coworkers says not to
touch them. 
> Thanks for your help.
> Tim

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