Title: RE: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)
I am running NTBackup on the same Server I am trying to backup.  I will try your suggestions (they DO make sense, really), and report back.  As far as open shares go, no, I don't think so.
-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Beckham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:47 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)

Are you using NTBackup ON the same Exchange Server you are trying to backup?  Have you tried backing it up from a different Win2K server using NTBackup and backing up to a drive on a different computer OTHER THAN the Exchange Server you are trying to back up.  (Am I making sense here?)  Do you have any shares open to the server where ARCServe was running on or to the Exchange Server that may be locking it somehow? 
More straws in the stack....
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 12:34 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)

See my answers in context below: 
 1. Is this a new Exchange setup? --Not really.  The server's been up for over a year, but we just hooked up a SAN array & ran perf optimizer to redirect the store.
     We have seven servers total, & this is the only one with a problem.
 2. Has this ever worked? --No, not on this server.  We normally use ArcServe, which worked fine until recently. (before you ask, the error was around _before_ 
     the SAN switchover)
3. This is a dumb question, but....does this exchange server possibly still have circular logging turned on?  --No. (I just checked).  Good question, tho.
         (There are no "dumb" questions, only dumb answers.)
4. How many log mdbdata log files do you have?   --A whole bunch.  Since I haven't been able to get a good backup, they're still there.
5. If you can't get it backed up, you probably have many many days worth and a very full partion.  --The SAN _greatly_ increased my storage capacity, it's
      only about 50% full.  The problem has been around since it was 25-30% full, however.
Diane (picking at straws here.....) 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 6:59 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)

Yes, I have.  It makes _no_ diff when the job runs.  At the present time, I am only running the job manually and it still fails.  Sorry, should've told you, the OS is Win2Kserver.  I run the same job on two other, identical, servers with no problems.  Now, I wouldn't even be using NTBackup, except that ArcSmurf choked on the backup.  After reading about similar problems from other folks on this list, I thought I'd try using NTBackup to a file & then have ArcSmurf back that up to tape.  Works like a champ on the other two servers, just not this one!  Any other ideas?  Should I try running some diags on the store?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Diane Beckham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:39 PM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)
> Eric, have you tried changing the time it does the backup to
> see if it works
> at a different time?  Have you tried backing it up manually? 
> Have you tried
> backing it up with a NTBackup in a Win2K computer? 
> Diane
> -----Original Message-----
> From: HOLLIDAY, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:24 AM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)
> Forgive me for being dense, but what does the AT command have
> to do with
> this error?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scot Parsons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:13 PM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)
> Try this:
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q152313
> -----Original Message-----
> From: HOLLIDAY, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 1:53 PM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)
> OK, in light of recent comments about the looong questions not being
> answered, let me restate my question:
> Is this the right place to get a question answered about
> problems using
> Windows backup and Exchange 5.5 (sp4)?  If so, could someone
> kindly refer me
> to another forum?
> Thank you,
> Eric Holliday
> -----Original Message-----
> From: HOLLIDAY, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 9:23 AM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: Error when backing up Exch. 5.5 (using MS backup)
> Hello all,
> First, a little background info:
> Environment:
> Exchange 5.5 sp4, Enterprise
> Compaq Proliant ML530, dual Xeon 866 proc., 1Gb RAM, 69Gb SAN
> (whoohoo!)
> OK. I am temporarily using MS's Windows Backup (ver. 5), until we have
> Veritas' NetBackup in place.
> On two of my three servers, it works fine. On the third one,
> I consistently
> get the following error:
> -----------------------------------------
> Backup Status
> Operation: Backup
> Active backup destination: File
> Media name: "Media created 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM"
> Backup of "LMI\LMIMAIL\LMIMAIL1\Directory"
> Backup set #1 on media #1
> Backup description: "Set created 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM"
> Backup Type: Normal
> Backup started on 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM.
> The selected Microsoft Exchange service is currently
> being backed up by another process.
> Backup completed on 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM.
> Skipped: 1
> Bytes: 0
> Time:  1 second
> Media name: "Media created 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM"
> Backup of "LMI\LMIMAIL\LMIMAIL1\Information Store"
> Backup set #2 on media #1
> Backup description: "Set created 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM"
> Backup Type: Normal
> Backup started on 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM.
> The selected Microsoft Exchange service is currently
> being backed up by another process.
> Backup completed on 12/5/2001 at 9:10 AM.
> Skipped: 1
> Bytes: 0
> Time:  1 second
> ----------------------
> The kicker is, there is no other backup process running!  I
> have rebooted
> the server, to no avail.
> Any ideas?
> TIA,
> Eric
> Eric Holliday
> Exchange Administrator
> Corporate Information Systems
> Logistics Management Institute
> PH:    703.917.7117
> List Charter and FAQ at:
> http://www.sunbelt-software.com/exchange_list_charter.htm
> List Charter and FAQ at:
> http://www.sunbelt-software.com/exchange_list_charter.htm

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