The Microsoft Network Security Hotfix Checker HFNetChk 3.3 beta is now
available for download from Microsoft's Betaplace website.  HFNetChk is
a command-line tool that administrators can use to centrally assess a
computer or group of computers for the absence of Microsoft security

This beta includes bug fixes and new features (discussed below) and is
available to folks who've registered for the HFNetChk beta program.
Those who've previously registered for the program will be receiving
emails shortly that contain their username and passwords to access the
download site.  

If you've not previously registered and would like to join the program
and access the beta, please visit the Betaplace site and complete the
beta program request form:
Username: hfnetchkbeta
Password: staysecure


This beta release of HFNetChk introduces new features and corrects
several known issues.

New features: 
 - New switches are available to specify username/password for scanning
remote systems. 
 - New switch is available for writing the output to a specified output
file. (Note: this will overwrite, not append, data to the specified
output file.) 
 - It is now possible to scan the local machine when the Server Service
has been disabled (or has not been installed.) 
 - A warning message will be presented if the installed product is not
running the latest available Service Pack. 
 - IP addresses may be used when executing a scan from a Windows NT 4
system. (Note: remote system IP addresses must resolve to machine names
in order for this feature to work from NT4 systems.) 
 - To enhance performance, tab output (-o tab) is required when scanning
more than 255 hosts. 

 - Fixed bug where domain controllers were identified as workstations
instead of servers. As a result, not all available hotfixes would be
displayed when scanning domain controllers. 
 - Results will always include status on all installed products, even
when a given product is up to date on patches. 
 - Text alignment has been enhanced for wrap and tab output. 
 - Enhanced error reporting when access is denied to a machine or there
is an error in reading the remote system's registry. 
 - Improved -d domain scanning 
 - Improved support when scanning workgroups (using -d) 
 - Improved memory management when performing large scans. 
 - Improved recognition for SQL Server 2000 Server Service Packs. 

Additional features, such as scanning for Exchange or Office patches,
are being considered for a future release of HFNetChk and are not
included in this beta.

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