Several items already mentioned, but in addition,
as you come across to the IIS4 server, the IUSR account from the
Exchange box must have rights on the IIS in log on locally.
There's a KB (can't remember the #) that walks through this issue.

John Weber
503-262-0490 x203

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Symiakakis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 09:51
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Installing Outlook Web Access

Hello Everyone,
    I am having problems installing and configuring Oulook Web access on
my IIS4 server. This is the scenario: I followed a white paper on
installing OWA onto a seperate IIS4 server than my exchange 5.5 server.
have IIS4 on a server that I also run Frontpage 98, which is what I am
using for our Intranet site. Frontpage is set on Port 80, and IIS4 is
on Port 8080. I have already configured our firewall with a public
pointing to the IIS4 root.(I tested it with a test htm page and I can
access it from outside our network). I created a virtual directory in
called exchange, and point it to where the OWA files reside
(C:\exchsrvr\webdata\usa) Now that OWA is installed, how do I set it up
locate my exchange server? Don't you have to put either your exchange
servers name or IP address somewhere on the IIS machine? I even tried to
copy the default HTM file to the IIS wwwroot folder, but it keeps
up the logon.asp, which comes up with errors running script. I don't
if they are related. I have searched all over Technet, and all I get is
papers on the theory behind it, not an actual step by step setup guide.

Can anyone please shed some light on this. I appreciate all the help I
get on this. I have been racking my brains for three days now. Thank you
in advance for all of your help.

Nick Symiakakis
Noble Hospital

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