Hello Everyone,
    I am having problems installing and configuring Oulook Web access on
my IIS4 server. This is the scenario: I followed a white paper on
installing OWA onto a seperate IIS4 server than my exchange 5.5 server. I
have IIS4 on a server that I also run Frontpage 98, which is what I am
using for our Intranet site. Frontpage is set on Port 80, and IIS4 is set
on Port 8080. I have already configured our firewall with a public address
pointing to the IIS4 root.(I tested it with a test htm page and I can
access it from outside our network). I created a virtual directory in IIS
called exchange, and point it to where the OWA files reside
(C:\exchsrvr\webdata\usa) Now that OWA is installed, how do I set it up to
locate my exchange server? Don't you have to put either your exchange
servers name or IP address somewhere on the IIS machine? I even tried to
copy the default HTM file to the IIS wwwroot folder, but it keeps popping
up the logon.asp, which comes up with errors running script. I don't know
if they are related. I have searched all over Technet, and all I get is
papers on the theory behind it, not an actual step by step setup guide.

Can anyone please shed some light on this. I appreciate all the help I can
get on this. I have been racking my brains for three days now. Thank you
in advance for all of your help.

Nick Symiakakis
Noble Hospital

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