Exchange 5.5 on a NT4.0 box
Outlook 2k
I set up 5 rooms as resources so when people want to have meetings they can go to their calendar put a conference room as required and then it reserves the time.  It appears that we have a few people when they reserve the room it will not take their reservation.  I have everything set up the same as everyone else... same permission same conference room set up and everything.
So the problem is someone will be in a meeting someone else will come in and say they have the room and then there is a bit of trouble.
So if someone has knowledge why some people may not be able to reserve resources correctly please let me know.
Also is there any write up on the correct way to set up a resource I just figured it out on my own and works 99% of the time I was willing to deal with the 1% but now its coming back and biting me in the butt.
Any help would be great.
O something else if there is a better method then using Outlook for resource scheduling please let me know. 
OR IF you should NOT use the resources in outlook let me know... then at least I can tell management they are lucky I got it working at all. 
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