Title: Outlook XP displaying contact email addresses
This is a "feature" of the conversion mapping.  The easiest way to deal with this would probably be to EXPORT the Contacts folder to a CSV, make any necessary edits, then IMPORT that back in.  Just in case, you could create a sub-folder called backup or somesuch, move the current Contacts entries there, THEN import the CSV contents.
-----Original Message-----
From: Crosby, Tim (Sarcom) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:47
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Outlook XP displaying contact email addresses

We are migrating a large chunk of users to OfficeXP.  One user got upgraded and received the prompt to convert all her personal address book entries to contacts.  She said yes and the conversion went OK.  But now when she sends an email to one of her contacts, it shows "Name, User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" in the To: field of the email address.  She doesn't want the user's email addresses to appear in the email when she sends it out and says they never appeared that way when the users were in her PAB.  Before, it just showed up as "Name, User".  I have gone into the contacts and set the "Display as" field to show just "Name, User" but the email still shows the user's email address.

Is there a way to turn this off?  Or can I somehow get all her contacts back into the Personal Address Book?



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