Back from the world of public accounting.  Actually, I'm still there, but my
role has changed a bit...

I've recently assumed network administration duties for a Windows SBS 2003
deployment with Exchange (2003) installed.  I last worked with Exchange at
version 2000 over two years ago.

As I recall, when one adds a distribution group through the Exchange
provided Active Directory Users and Computers that group should
automatically be displayed in the Global Address List, unless you've
selected otherwise.  Unfortunately that I don't see the group, and I had to
shoehorn the user into the GAL, and don't recall the steps I took to do it.
Also, when I create new users, or groups, no email addresses appear in the
Email addresses tab.  As I recall this isn't normal behavior.  And to
provide complete information, I did select Universal and I did select
Distribution for the scope and type, respectively.  A quick google search
didn't really stand out at me, but I may not be searching for the correct
thing, if so, I'll take my punishment like a man! :-)

Mainly, I'm looking for a sanity check or  a possible idea of what/where to
look to fix this.  Also, I need a good book to pickup for Exchange 2003
specifically.  The previous admin purchased all the books personally and
removed them when he left.  That won't be the case with me, but it's another
story altogether.  It also wouldn't suprise me if this is a messed up
configuration, since I've seen plenty of messed up configurations since
assuming the responsibility.

Jonathan S. Link

~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
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