Maybe you can talk them into at least replacing what's on the perimeter
with an Edge and Hub Transport server, even if they're not ready to
start upgrading the mailbox servers yet.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Peck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:13 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Mailbox Count

ahh... I need to get Exchange 2007 here.  They are tormenting us with
a 'chance' if time permits in Q2 if projects wrap early in Q1.
Otherwise we just continue with E2k3 until 'some other time'.


On Jan 17, 2008 10:52 AM, Campbell, Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Peck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:41 PM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Mailbox Count
> non-sequitor ....
> Let's try and interpret this anyway.  It may help me understand
> PowerShell better :)
> On Jan 17, 2008 10:23 AM, Campbell, Rob
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Something I was messing with last night:
> sets $logfile = to a series of text files..... event logs that have
> been dumped to text files?  (gci is an alias for get-childitem)
> *Gets the raw message tracking log files (E2k7)
> > $logfiles = gci MSGTRK*.log
> > foreach ($logfile in $logfiles){
> @{} designates an array or a for-each?
> *Designates and initializes a hash-table (dictionary array)
> > $src_evt_ht = @{}
> get the files (gc = get-content) assigned above
> *Yes
> > gc $logfile |% {
> are you replacing stuff with a comma or breaking at comma's only?
> *Splitting the line into a collection of strings separated at the
> commas.
> > if ($_ -notmatch "^\#.+$"){
> > $rec = $_ -split ","
> pull out source and event id's from the file ...
> > $source = $rec[7]
> > $event_id = $rec[8]
> >
> combine them and compare to each other and do something
> *combines them, and adds each unique combination to the hash table if
> isn't already there, and sets an initial value of "1".  Increments the
> existing entry value by 1 if it is already there.
> > $src_evt = $source + "." + $event_id
> > if ($src_evt_ht.$src_evt){$src_evt_ht.$src_evt =
> > [int]$src_evt_ht.$src_evt + 1}
> > else {$src_evt_ht.add("$src_evt","1")}
> > }
> > }
> write results to log file...
> *displays the name of the log file being processed, and writes the
> resulting hash table to the console.
> > $
> > write-host "`n"
> > $src_evt_ht
> >
> > }
> How did I do?
> *Not bad.
> Steven
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