ahh... I need to get Exchange 2007 here.  They are tormenting us with
a 'chance' if time permits in Q2 if projects wrap early in Q1.
Otherwise we just continue with E2k3 until 'some other time'.


On Jan 17, 2008 10:52 AM, Campbell, Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Peck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:41 PM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Mailbox Count
> non-sequitor ....
> Let's try and interpret this anyway.  It may help me understand
> PowerShell better :)
> On Jan 17, 2008 10:23 AM, Campbell, Rob
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Something I was messing with last night:
> sets $logfile = to a series of text files..... event logs that have
> been dumped to text files?  (gci is an alias for get-childitem)
> *Gets the raw message tracking log files (E2k7)
> > $logfiles = gci MSGTRK*.log
> > foreach ($logfile in $logfiles){
> @{} designates an array or a for-each?
> *Designates and initializes a hash-table (dictionary array)
> > $src_evt_ht = @{}
> get the files (gc = get-content) assigned above
> *Yes
> > gc $logfile |% {
> are you replacing stuff with a comma or breaking at comma's only?
> *Splitting the line into a collection of strings separated at the
> commas.
> > if ($_ -notmatch "^\#.+$"){
> > $rec = $_ -split ","
> pull out source and event id's from the file ...
> > $source = $rec[7]
> > $event_id = $rec[8]
> >
> combine them and compare to each other and do something
> *combines them, and adds each unique combination to the hash table if it
> isn't already there, and sets an initial value of "1".  Increments the
> existing entry value by 1 if it is already there.
> > $src_evt = $source + "." + $event_id
> > if ($src_evt_ht.$src_evt){$src_evt_ht.$src_evt =
> > [int]$src_evt_ht.$src_evt + 1}
> > else {$src_evt_ht.add("$src_evt","1")}
> > }
> > }
> write results to log file...
> *displays the name of the log file being processed, and writes the
> resulting hash table to the console.
> > $logfile.name
> > write-host "`n"
> > $src_evt_ht
> >
> > }
> How did I do?
> *Not bad.
> Steven
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