> Stores are not large - 100 gig in total (raid array has 144 gig
> available for stores).  Disk layout is operating system raid 1, stores
> raid 5 and logs single disk.

I would look at migrating the stores to RAID 10.  RAID 5 isn't so great
when there's a lot of writes going on and is better suited to things like
file servers where it's mostly reads and you want more space/$.  Use
perfmon to look at how the read and write throughput you're getting.
Compared to 3 spindle raid 5, even a 2 spindle mirror will likely be
faster for writes.

Defragging with something like Raxco PerfectDisk will also help some with
your severe levels of fragmentation but won't be a panacea due to DB
access being fairly random anyway.  I would definitely NOT do the
defragging while the server is online and serving users as defragging uses
a lot of disk I/O.  Schedule a maintenance window to get it done or do it
off hours if you have that.



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