> Oh yuck!  I can't write a decent batch file, now how in the world am I
> going to learn a totally new language like Powershell?

Ah yes, the dos/cmd batch language, perhaps the only thing more obtuse and
unforgiving than sql.  I always seem to fall back on
<http://www.allenware.com/icsw/icswref.htm> since I can never seem to
remember what exact incantation of a for loop I'm supposed to type in  ;)

As for powershell?  Well, besides the books and links posted in the recent
past on this list I think that another interesting/productive route would
be to learn a little of the Perl scripting language.
<http://www.activestate.com/>  Powershell is *amazingly* similar to Perl,
though going from Perl to Powershell is not as close as C to C++.  Still,
I think many would have some "aha!" moments if they did a few short
sessions with Perl.

Watch out though if you go this route.  With Perl, it is easy to get
sucked into a functional/procedural style of coding and Perl's regex
implementation is addicting (Powershell has no ~=).  Using regexes to
modify data in the pipeline is NOT what you do in powershell.  This is a
mental obstacle for me to this very day, since I have a Perl background.
Without discipline, Perl can also get very unstructured and hard to read.
This is one area in which Powershell seriously trumps Perl and is much,
much better.



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