Exchange 2k3

Outlook 2k3


I have one user who is experiencing this problem.  I have tested from
her machine and verified that it is happening.  We have had PC
changeouts recently, so it's not a problem with her specific machine.


Each month, she fills out her timesheet, and e-mails it as an attachment
to the time clerk.  Or her boss, or someone else in her unit.  She opens
a new e-mail, fills in the To: and CC: boxes, fills in the Subject line,
attaches the timesheet, and hits Send.  The message then shows up in her
Sent Items, for about 10-15 seconds, then disappears.  The recipients
never receive the message.  It happens only with the timesheets, whether
she has one, or her whole unit's timesheets in the message.  It's not a
size issue, as one timesheet is only a couple hundred KB in size.  It is
also an intermittent issue, as I have also stood behind her, watching,
and sometimes it will work.  The strangest part, is that it only happens
with timesheets, which are .xls documents.  Any other time, attaching
any other file, is no problem.



Any ideas where I can start to troubleshoot this?




Joe Heaton


Employment Training Panel

1100 J Street, 4th Floor

Sacramento, CA  95814

(916) 327-5276


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