
Ex 2003 SP2

My Information store service crashed while I was in the process of
moving a couple mailboxes from one store to another.  Now both stores
show that they have a copy of the mailbox.  One store shows the mailbox
disconnected, the other shows it online.  If I try to purge or reconnect
the disconnected mailbox, I get an error "The operation cannot be
performed because this mailbox was already reconnected to an existing
user"  If I try to move the mailbox again, I get an error that the
target mailbox already exists.

Google is not coming up with anything useful in my searches.

Does anyone know what needs to be done to clean this up?



Michael Tellson, CCA

Network Engineer, Colonial Savings, F.A.

817-390-2016 <> 


~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
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