On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:08 AM, Glen Johnson<gjohn...@vhcc.edu> wrote:
> Our first BB user forwarded me this email that he received in his
> outlook email account when we were setting up his HH.
> I didn't make up that password, the system just randomly generated it.

  Ahhh.  The message text you posted comes invoking the "Generate and
Email Activation Password" function in BB Manager.  That's different
from the activation messages I and others have been talking about.

  Try the "Set Activation Password" function instead.  Enter a
password of your choice.  Then get the BB handheld, and enter that
password in yourself.

> In both cases, neither users phone was provisioned by RIM or the carrier ...

  In the telecom world, "provisioning" is the process of assigning
service to a subscriber.  A phone has to be provisioned or it's just a
paperweight -- no service.  So the phone *was* provisioned, you just
didn't call it that.

  If the BlackBerry is not provisioned properly, it won't work
properly.  Wireless  carriers screw up sometimes, and don't provision
BlackBerry phones as BlackBerry phones, but rather, as something else
which only partly works.

  So check with the carrier and make sure they did it right.

-- Ben

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