On the subject of iPhones, it is my understanding that they come up with
software updates about once a month or so.  I know that the initial
iTunes installation requires administrative rights to the workstation,
but do the updates as well?


From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:michealespin...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 10:06 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: iPhone experience

I believe is due to Apple's limited implementation based on what they
think we want/need - or rather, what they want us to limitedly-have and
want more-of specifically from Apple and MobileMe. 


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Joe Pochedley
<joe.poched...@fivesgroup.com> wrote:



        As Richard said, the iPhone is not as feature complete or
company friendly as RIM devices... Some of this is due to the
limitations of Activesync, and some of it due to Apple's


        If you've been on this list for more than a week (or just go
look at the web archives)... Take a look at the thread "uuh... iPhone +
EAS + wipe + remove partnership = ?" which goes through a lot of stuff
about the iPhone...  (The discussion's been going all week... Read the
whole thing, it's worthwhile...)  There's plenty of other iPhone threads
too, so you may want to go back even further...


        Personally, I've been using a iPhone 3GS for the past three
weeks... I switched from a Windows Mobile 6.1 device...  (Haven't
touched a RIM devices in a few years now....) As far as email / EAS
goes, I'm pretty 'meh' on the device... It works fine for my needs
though...  (I'm happier with the device from other aspects though...
Maybe WinMo 6.5 will help MSFT)   As far as the typing goes, I've
learned that I can mostly 'trust' the auto-correct / suggestion feature
which has sped up my typing considerably...  J


        Joe P


        From: Sobey, Richard A [mailto:r.so...@imperial.ac.uk] 
        Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 9:50 AM

        To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
        Subject: RE: iPhone experience 



        For all its good points, the iPhone as an email tool when it
integrates with EAS is lacking. The last time I tried deleting something
on the tube I wasn't allowed because I had no network coverage, and you
can't specify which folders to sync automatically. To be honest, the
latter was the killer for me, and I stuck the phone back in the box and
didn't touch it again.




        From: bounce-8673484-8066...@lyris.sunbelt-software.com
[mailto:bounce-8673484-8066...@lyris.sunbelt-software.com] On Behalf Of
Stefan Jafs
        Sent: 01 October 2009 14:43
        To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
        Subject: iPhone experience


        Ok, I'm a diehard BlackBerry fan, we have about 50 BB's here.
But after the latest collapse of the RIM stock the president wanted me
to evaluate the Iphone 3Gs.

        I have to say I'm impressed, so much easier to read messages
with attachments and not have to zoom scroll ...... and certainly
browsing is much more fun.

        Typing is definitely more cumbersome than my BB Bold however
it's improving with use.

        Yesterday I did a remote test wipe right from my E2K7 server,
very easy, however I could not get the phone back, took a few tries and
then I realized that I had to remove the phone from my Exchange profile.

        I do miss the BB messenger and not to impressed with the battery


        All in all a pleasant experience I have always said I would
never switch but now I'm on the fence.


        I think the president will purchase Apple shares and dump RIM!



        Stefan Jafs

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