Hi steve

i had the same problem some time ago when we migrated to exchange 2007.
we had to delete the local n2k files of the users.  the automatic completion 
cache of outlook is stored in those files - also the "old" exchange dn's
This n2k files are stored in the local user data: C:\Documents and 
Settings\[username]\Applicationdata\Microsoft\Outlook\[outlook profile name].NK2

Look at this Microsoft kb for more detais:

I hope this helps!


From: Steve Hart [mailto:sh...@wrightbg.com]
Sent: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 23:56
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: IMCEAEX

We've recently migrated a bunch of users from an SBS system on to our Exchange 
2007 system. The users had previously existed as contacts in Exchange.

We deleted the contacts and created new users. Everything works great except 
for the expected errors from cached internal Outlook addresses.

Here's an example:

Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:


The recipient's e-mail address was not found in the recipient's e-mail system. 
Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please check 
the e-mail address and try resending this message, or provide the following 
diagnostic text to your system administrator.


Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007

When I've had occasional problems like this before, I've added an X500 address. 
In this case, I added:


Email is still bouncing with the same NDR.

Do I have the format wrong, or is something else going on?


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