I got it fixed by applying Forefront SP2!  Woo HOO!

From: Kennedy, Jim [mailto:kennedy...@elyriaschools.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 3:00 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Office Files being blocked by Forefront

I can't speak specifically to Forefront but the new office 2007 files are zip 
files  (more or less) and it has been an issue for lots of email scanners. From 
what I see, read and google I think you need to turn off 'Scan Doc Files as 

From: McCready, Rob [mailto:rob.mccrea...@dplinc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 2:45 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Office Files being blocked by Forefront

I'm not sure if the files have always been blocked for us or not.  Until 
recently, we didn't notify users when a file was blocked.  When we turned 
notification on, we started getting messages that XLSM and XLXS files were 
being blocked here and there.  I'm not sure if one of the boxes below was 
checked / unchecked around the same time though, so maybe that's where our 
problem is?

Anybody else having issues receiving certain Excel attachments in Exchange 2007 
using Forefront?  This is the message we get when the file is blocked....


The original contents of this file have been replaced with
this message because of its characteristics.
File name: 'Quote_Request_Vineyard_12.10.09.xlsm'
Virus name: 'UnwritableCompressedFile'

From: Senter, John [mailto:john.sen...@etrade.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 2:36 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Office Files being blocked by Forefront

I get these from time to time as well.  In most cases it is a message in the 
Drafts  folder.  I just assumed it was a issue with the scan happening as the 
user is doing something to the file.  If you find a solution let me know.

From: McCready, Rob [mailto:rob.mccrea...@dplinc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 1:29 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Office Files being blocked by Forefront

As a general consensus, how many of these options do you gurus usually check in 
the General Options of Forefront?


We are having a problem with Office files being blocked, with this message

:unwritable compressed file

I tried to setup a filter to "Skip: Detect only" for OPENXML files, but 
apparently that isn't working.

Several users are still getting XLMS and XLXS files blocked.

I assume if I uncheck one of my options above, it will correct the issue, but 
I'm just wondering what a standard best/practice is.


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