Have you verified you're not configured as an open relay?
Is your firewall only allowing SMTP traffic to/from your Exchange box?

Die dulci fruere!

Roger Wright

Marie von 
- "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Boggis, Josh <josh.bog...@uconn.edu> wrote:

>  Anyone have any suggestions on anything for stopping what I call internal
> spam.  Users who reply to phishing emails, who’s account is then used to
> send out massive amounts of spam to the world.   Because of this massive
> blast of spam, our mail server gets placed on many block lists, and then I
> have to spend the day getting us off block lists because of one users who
> thinks it’s a good idea to give out login id, password, home address,
> favorite ice cream flavor and blood type just because an email asked them
> to.
> Any ideas on solutions?  User education has proven fruitless, we still get
> people who reply.

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