(Trying again because Lryis rejected me)

If it's a legitimate  business unit or cross unit team that needs to
communicate then they can have a list.  We chat with them first.

We tend to use a specified format.
The use of # as the first character indicates distribution list.
Most are set to not accept email from outside the internal exchange system.
No personal names in distribution list titles.
We also have three types, location, business unit and systems
management based.  Not actual names but examples would be;
 Location:  "#CA - Building A"  Used primarily for location specific
 Business  '#Claims - All', '#Claims - Management'  '#Sales - East Coast'
 Notification '#SM - groupname' (used for notification and automation
products, can contain contacts/pagers, not generally used fo regular
email communications)

We tend to minimize the location based one where possible for a
business unit based one.  We also 'help' guide the requester to a name
in line but it's to help with consistency more then anything else.
Lists are not created for personal use, they are groupings that will
be used by the company.  While not always possible we try and nest
lists.  '#Sales - All' has '#Sales - East Coast' and '#Sales - West
Coast' in it.

We do not manage the majority of the lists memberships.  We are not
that group.  We do not generally know who should or should not be on
it, so our support center will help you request membership from an
owner.  It's there for a business reason.  So every list has an owner.
 Generally it's the requesting person.  It also has in the General tab
Notes field a backup owner name.

We used to send an email to list owners once a year requesting
assurance that it was still in use and needed and pruned accordingly.
I am not so sure that is done anymore as I am not involved in day to
day operations right now.  We have about 1000 distribution lists.

The email system predates me so we do have some sprawl which we try
and contain, mitigate or 'make go away' when opportunity presents

We have several thousand people in multiple locations across the US.
We have absorbed various separate companies and have had to
accommodate various local business cultures into the overall
enterprise structure.  It's not always as pretty and logical as we
would like but so far it seems to work for our business customers.


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Barsodi.John <john.bars...@igt.com> wrote:
> Curious what other groups out there have as guidelines and boundaries for DL
> creation and controlling DL sprawl? Do you have standards for naming
> conventions?
> For Example – if a manager wants a DL for his staff of 10, and wants it
> named “John’s Staff” do you accommodate or recommend they use a local
> contact DL?  Mind you we have thousands of Employees worldwide, so “John’s
> Staff” existing in the GAL seems a bit odd to me.
> Thanks,
> JB

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