Did your backups hang or one particular database take a long time to backup?

From: bounce-8811937-8066...@lyris.sunbelt-software.com 
[mailto:bounce-8811937-8066...@lyris.sunbelt-software.com] On Behalf Of Russ 
Sent: 03 February 2010 15:14
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Version Store full on two E2k7 mailbox servers

Hi -

In the last two days, we've had two different mailbox servers (in the same 
site) have to have the store restarted during working hours. Examining the app 
log afterwards, I see that we got several dozen of the following events 
starting about an hour before we had to restart:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchangeIS
Date:          2/1/2010 8:58:24 AM
Event ID:      9786
Task Category: Database Storage Engine
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      S-EXCH-IRV-6.ds1.ltcorp.tree
The database engine has consumed 70% of the "version store buckets" resource 
(11613 used out of a maximum of 16386) for storage group Managers-1'.
Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store
Date:          2/1/2010 8:56:28 AM
Event ID:      9828
Task Category: Background Cleanup
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      S-EXCH-IRV-6.ds1.ltcorp.tree
Background cleanup of folders for database ExecSysAdmin\ExecSysAdmin' was 
pre-empted because the database engine's version store was growing too large. 
Before the task was pre-empted, 1 folders were inspected and 0 of those were 
successfully deleted.

Note that the two warnings are about two different stores on the same box.

There were two of these events:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        ESE
Date:          2/1/2010 9:30:23 AM
Event ID:      623
Task Category: Transaction Manager
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      S-EXCH-IRV-6.ds1.ltcorp.tree
MSExchangeIS (27084) Users-1: The version store for this instance (9) has 
reached its maximum size of 511Mb. It is likely that a long-running transaction 
is preventing cleanup of the version store and causing it to build up in size. 
Updates will be rejected until the long-running transaction has been completely 
committed or rolled back.
Possible long-running transaction:
 SessionId: 0x000007FFFFC82780
 Session-context: 0x00000000
 Session-context ThreadId: 0x0000000000006D10
 Cleanup: 1
For more information, click http://www.microsoft.com/contentredirect.asp.
One for each of the stores mentioned above. They occurred about 10 minutes 
before we decide to bounce the store.

I haven't really been able to do much other investigating; I've also got a 
family medical emergency that is taking most of my attention. I was hoping 
someone could give me a few clues that woulds help me get my life back to just 
90 mph.

Any suggestions? BTW - these machies were both at version Version: 
08.02.0176.002  - other places show it as Version 8.2 (Build 176.2) I do see 
some suggestions when you click in the web links in the event log; I'm sure 
they're pointing in the right direction - I was just hoping to cheat a little 
bit & get a headstart if you will.....

Thanks in advance!


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