I was only indirectly involved but as I recall, it's pretty much that simple - 
one thing to look out for is which clients can talk to which server version  - 
as I recall, we had to ensure that all the clients were upgraded before moving 
users.  Also, check versions if you have Blackberry users connecting via 
Enterprise Messenger.

From: Bob Fronk [mailto:b...@btrfronk.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 5:49 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Cc: Exchange list (exchangelist@lyris.sunbelt-software.com)
Subject: Single Live Comm Server 2005 upgrade to OCS 2007

All the deployment documentation involves much more complicated Live 
Communication Server setups with multiple directors, etc.

I have a single Live Communication Server 2005 server which is used 99.9% for 
IM only.  We need to move to Office Communication Server 2007.  Currently I 
don't need more than a single server as the main use will remain just IM, but 
we will add other services soon.

Has someone performed a simple upgrade like this?  Is it just as simple as 
installing OCS 2007 and moving the users?  Or do I need to do a more 
complicated install with multiple OCS 2007 servers with different roles?


Bob Fronk

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