Probably those 2 e-mails showing in the outbound queue have large




From: Oliver Marshall [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:41 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: SMTP service causing massive outgoing bandwidth usage


Hi chaps,


We have an oddity, or perhaps not such an oddity, with an Exchange 2003 box
using up all the outgoing bandwidth. The issue appears to be outgoing emails.
If we stop the SMTP service then the bandwidth immediately drops. If we turn
it back on then within about a minute the bandwidth is used up and the router
graphs so that the Exchange servers IP is uploading stuff.


However, with the SMTP service started, the Exchange queues are nearly empty
(currently 2 emails showing, both valid). The SMTP log itself doesn't show a
massive number of connections to the smarthost (postini). Postini aren't
reporting a large number of emails being sent to their server (at least no
larger than normal). There aren't any current connections showing in the SMTP
entry in Exchange Admin either. Relaying is limited to just Postinis IPs and,
as no one uses the SMTP server to send emails as they all use OWA, no one is
allowed to use the SMTP server at all.


I can't see why, given that the queues are empty and the logs show nothing
major, why the SMTP service should be causing such an upload usage...unless
it's sending out loads of emails, then why aren't these showing up in any
queues/logs ?


Anyone knnow what we've missed or what might be going on?




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