[N.B. We're NOT a GFI/Sunbelt customer and I speak here in general terms
that apply to any product category.  I'm specifically not saying
GFI/Sunbelt offers poor support.]

After reading the press release it seems clear that Metalogix has been the
primary developer of the product all along and that it was simply
rebranded by GFI/Sunbelt.  I do hate to generalize, but if this is the
case I'd assume better support now; not worse. Experience has shown that
in general, the farther away you get from the original developer, the
worse support gets since there are layers of people explaining along the
way.  There are exceptions.  For example, I would expect great support (by
great I mean better) if I had an Exchange support contract with certain
people on this list (that everyone knows) instead of going direct to PSS.

Obviously, this is less true with L1 support issues (Is the cord plugged
in? Have you rebooted?, Have you patched? Etc...). But once issues start
getting "for real," there is often an actual real bug or tough and
complicated configuration or topology issue going on. If an actual
developer is right there in the same building, a dramatic positive
difference in the speed to resolution is usually the result. It's not
always obvious that your support person is talking to the developers in
between calls.

Going back to my example exception...  Isn't it true that the individuals
participating here (and offering professional paid Exchange support) have
some access to the Exchange product development team--similarly close
access as the PSS team has even?  So, it's not really an exception after
all; it's simply gaining the development resources of a big company
combined with someone's considerable deployment experience, all while
avoiding that big company's darned big-company-itus.

Also, thinking about product enhancement, it seems like incremental
product enhancement could happen more easily when the original developer
is doing support, seeing the true volume of each issue (and paying the
piper for bad UI decisions, etc...). With a reseller involved there is a
third party is absorbing the support calls and this data is likely not so
clear to the developer.  It's not impossible for a good communication
chain to occur between a reseller and product developer but oh so often
that communication is related more on how the reseller can increase sales,
not on how they can sell a better product.

But then maybe you guys and gals have more positive experiences than I
with resellers.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Jafs [mailto:stefan.j...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 10:48
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: SEA no longer Sunbelt
> I just received this press release today, Metalogix as taken back SEA
> Sunbelt:
> Sunbelt-s-Exchange-Archiver-and-File-Archiver-Distribution-Business/
> i purchased SEA because of Sunbelts superior support, a well lets hope
> Metalogix can keep the support an the same high level.
> --
> Stefan Jafs
> ---
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