If your looking for something a bit prettier you could check out my Exchange 
Environment Report which will provide this and some additional info:


Sent from my iPhone

On 21 Jun 2012, at 14:38, "Michael B. Smith" 
<mich...@smithcons.com<mailto:mich...@smithcons.com>> wrote:

I didn’t write this original script, I just modified it to handle some obvious 
errors, but unfortunately I didn’t keep the original author’s byline handy.

The UR information is hidden pretty deeply. This script will get it out.

Get-ExchangeServer |% {
                [bool]$known = $false

        $name    = $_.ToString()
        $version = $_.AdminDisplayVersion.Major

        if ($version -eq "14")
                $key = 
                $setup = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ExchangeServer\\v14\\Setup"
                                $known = $true
        elseif ($version -eq "8")
                $key = 
                $setup = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Setup"
                                $known = $true

                if( $known )
                        $VALUE1 = "DisplayName"
                $VALUE2 = "Installed"
                        $VALUE3 = "MsiInstallPath"

                        $reg = 
[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey( 'LocalMachine', $name )
                $regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey( $setup )
                        $installPath = ( $regkey.getvalue( $VALUE3 ) | foreach 
{ $_ -replace (":", "`$") } )
                $binFile = "Bin\ExSetup.exe"
                        $exSetupVer = ( ( Get-Command 
"\\$name\$installPath$binFile" ).FileVersionInfo | ForEach { $_.FileVersion } )
                $regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey( $key ).GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach { 
"$key\\$_" }
                        $dispName = [array] ( $regkey | % { $reg.OpenSubKey( $_ 
).getvalue( $VALUE1 ) } )
                $instDate = [array] ( $regkey | % { $reg.OpenSubKey( $_ 
).getvalue( $VALUE2 ) } )
                        $countmembers = 0

                        if ($regkey -ne $null)
                                while ($countmembers -lt $dispName.Count)
                                                $name + "," + $dispName[ 
$countmembers ] + "," + $instDate[ $countmembers ].substring( 0, 4 ) +
"/" + $instDate[ $countmembers ].substring( 4, 2 ) + "/" +
$instDate[ $countmembers ].substring( 6, 2 ) + "," + $exsetupver
                                $name + ",No Rollup Updates are installed,," + 
                                $name + ",Unknown version,,"

From: Jason Benway [mailto:benw...@jsjcorp.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 8:49 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: SP2 RU3

I install SP2 RU3 for exchange 2010 this weekend it seemed to finish 
successfully, but the version still shows 14.2 (build 247.5)
Looks like I should see a build number of 14.2.309.2 for RU3

So what happened to the RU, did it not install correctly?


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