Thanks everyone for the idea. I used Michael’s script and got the answer I 
needed. But I will look into these other reporting options.


From: Steve Goodman []
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 4:35 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: SP2 RU3

I've not used Phil's script myself but heard good things! If you have a virtual 
environment and use vCheck it's (according to one of my customers) a very 
useful addition.

And given this is the second time in two weeks it's been mentioned i'd better 
check it out myself :-)

Sent from my iPhone

On 22 Jun 2012, at 14:43, "Randal, Phil" 
<<>> wrote:
There’s also my vCheck for Exchange plugins based on Alan Renouf’s vCheck, my 
own scripts, Steve’s script and others.

I’d advise people to use version 2.1beta4 (not yet uploaded to Alan’s site):

To make it easy to select plugins, use my Select-Plugins script for vCheck:


Phil Randal
Infrastructure Engineer
Hoople Ltd | Thorn Office Centre | Hereford HR2 6JT
Tel: 01432 260415 | Email:<>

From: Steve Goodman 
Sent: 22 June 2012 12:20
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: SP2 RU3

If your looking for something a bit prettier you could check out my Exchange 
Environment Report which will provide this and some additional info:

Sent from my iPhone

On 21 Jun 2012, at 14:38, "Michael B. Smith" 
<<>> wrote:
I didn’t write this original script, I just modified it to handle some obvious 
errors, but unfortunately I didn’t keep the original author’s byline handy.

The UR information is hidden pretty deeply. This script will get it out.

Get-ExchangeServer |% {
                [bool]$known = $false

        $name    = $_.ToString()
        $version = $_.AdminDisplayVersion.Major

        if ($version -eq "14")
                $key = 
                $setup = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ExchangeServer\\v14\\Setup"
                                $known = $true
        elseif ($version -eq "8")
                $key = 
                $setup = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Setup"
                                $known = $true

                if( $known )
                        $VALUE1 = "DisplayName"
                $VALUE2 = "Installed"
                        $VALUE3 = "MsiInstallPath"

                        $reg = 
[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey( 'LocalMachine', $name )
                $regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey( $setup )
                        $installPath = ( $regkey.getvalue( $VALUE3 ) | foreach 
{ $_ -replace (":", "`$") } )
                $binFile = "Bin\ExSetup.exe"
                        $exSetupVer = ( ( Get-Command 
).FileVersionInfo | ForEach { $_.FileVersion } )
                $regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey( $key ).GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach { 
"$key\\$_" }
                        $dispName = [array] ( $regkey | % { $reg.OpenSubKey( $_ 
).getvalue( $VALUE1 ) } )
                $instDate = [array] ( $regkey | % { $reg.OpenSubKey( $_ 
).getvalue( $VALUE2 ) } )
                        $countmembers = 0

                        if ($regkey -ne $null)
                                while ($countmembers -lt $dispName.Count)
                                                $name + "," + $dispName[ 
$countmembers ] + "," + $instDate[ $countmembers ].substring( 0, 4 ) +
"/" + $instDate[ $countmembers ].substring( 4, 2 ) + "/" +
$instDate[ $countmembers ].substring( 6, 2 ) + "," + $exsetupver
                                $name + ",No Rollup Updates are installed,," + 
                                $name + ",Unknown version,,"

From: Jason Benway []
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 8:49 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: SP2 RU3

I install SP2 RU3 for exchange 2010 this weekend it seemed to finish 
successfully, but the version still shows 14.2 (build 247.5)
Looks like I should see a build number of 14.2.309.2 for RU3

So what happened to the RU, did it not install correctly?


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