Sweet.  Congratulations Kurt!

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Buff [mailto:kurt.b...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:42 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Been a long day today, but I won...

So, it's month end, and our UK office is noticing that emails are not 
processing outbound from their office. All of their emails come through the US 
server, to be delivered wherever, and there are some big emails (4-8mbytes) 
with proposals and orders and such, and they're getting desperate. Lots of 
little emails are stuck in queue too, though if left alone they seem to trickle 
out, while the big messages go to retry status.

It's already been a long day for me, having been woken up at 3am because they 
switched over to a new DSL provider, and couldn't log into the router to set up 
the PPOA configuration. (pay attention - that's a clue...)

While I'm trying to troubleshoot this, the nominal IT manager above me is 
freaking out and deleting messages from the outbound queue on the UK Exchange 
server, restarting services multiple times, rebooting the UK server, and 
generally showing all of the patience and investigative skill of a 4yo.

I leave the office at 18:00 to pick up my son at daycare, and arrive home and 
start ignoring everything else except the problem with Exchange. (I have a very 
good wife, and I deeply appreciate her patience with me!)

I get frustrated, and turn up logging on a bunch of Exchange services, then 
bounce both the UK and US servers remotely, just so I have a clean starting 
point in the logs.

Finally I notice a 4000 message from MSExchangeTransport on the US server 
(along with some 4006 messages from the same source on the UK server), and hit 

EventID.net turns up reference to MTU sizes.

I adjust the firewall in our UK office from 1500 to 1450, and transport of my 
test message with a 12mbyte text attachment flies through.

I test once more with the same attachment, just to be sure.


I am now going to bed.

Good night.


PS - I'll turn down the logging tomorrow, when I have a few minutes to breathe 
at work.

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