Please will someone kindly help me:

I inherited a couple of exim4 mail servers some years ago, and I do plead guilty to an inadequate understanding of exim! I managed to upgrade one of them to exim4.94 (dist-upgrade Debian 10 buster to Debian 11 bullseye)  successfully, but have tried and failed twice already to upgrade a slightly more complex server which, in addition to SPF and DKIM, has DNSSEC and SRS... though I'm doubtful either of those is the cause of the failure I'm experiencing with the following problem:

After upgrading this instance of exim I cannot send an email as an authorised user to an outside domain. I get e.g:

2024-06-27 15:26:07 H=([]) [] X=TLS1.3:ECDHE_X25519__RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256__AES_128_GCM:128 CV=no F=<j...@test.domain.tld> rejected RCPT <>: relay not permitted

I don't know how to debug this because, e.g. sudo exim -d -bt doesn't fail as it's sending from localhost which is fine. Whereas in the log snip above my private IP is somehow regarded as the sending Host, via my provider's gateway IP; and is not permitting relay for authorised users.

Please, how can I debug this? And/or where is the possible issue to be found in the split config?

Is there any further info I should be providing?

Thank you.


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