Global Unification


    The growing importance that the Great Universal Brotherhood, Dr. 
S. R. de la Ferrière´s Foundation, is acquiring each day all over the 
world, requires that this Institution be known by means of a 
popularization work like this present one, in which its objectives, 
realizations and regulations are exposed. But it is not enough to 
know what this noble organization is in theory, it is indispensable 
to demonstrate with palpable facts, by means of pictures and 
testimonies of diverse nature, its realizations in the field of 
fraternity and social service. 

    Indeed, the main objective is to ELEVATE THE LEVEL OF HUMANITY´S 
SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING, which means to instruct mankind with the 
Sciences that constitute the Initiatic Tradition and to teach them a 
system of life based on the inner world and not on the external 
necessities. This means a true education that will bring forth a 
wiser, more tolerant and serene Humanity. 

    In order to truly and plainly develope peace and fraternity, it 
is necessary to recognize, previously, the equality of men, so much 
in the material field as in the spiritual one and only when this high 
stage of evolution is reached, will fraternity be able to reign and 
the conviction that we are all children of the same Father, that we 
are all brothers and sisters and, therefore that we should all "love 
each other." 

    Fraternal love is an inexhaustible source of energy and of self-
denial that induces us to put our efforts to the service of our 
fellowmen who are in need of help. This is the origin of the social 
services, one of the basic aspects of the Universal Great 
Brotherhood. Not all men are lucky of having the same facilities or 
of receiving the same benefits as others. Some need attendance, 
either of medical, social or spiritual order, and that is where the 
U.G.B intervenes actively, where it is required and in accordance 
with the resources at its disposal, to help, to cure, to serve, to 
teach and to instruct. It provides assistance, help, medical 
services, it establishes schools and spiritual retreats for 

    Its leaders are at the disposal of humanity's service and due to 
their high cultural, intellectual and spiritual developement, they 
are more qualified to steer men towards the elevated dwellings where 
fraternal spirit and universal love reign.   


Science, Religion, Art, Didactics. 

    At the present time, when the events seem to surpass the limit of 
the average sociology, when the political and religious 
representatives dispute the supremacy of the masses, the Assemblies 
of Sages have the duty of assuming the World´s Organization Board for 
the popularization of Truth. 

    Since the most remote times, a community of evolved beings 
existed to show men their true mission. 
That was when education appeared with the objective of relating each 
one to his true value, without seeking to channel the spirits. 

    Scientists, often limited to the universe conceived by them, have 
to enlarge their points of view, not only for the well-being in 
general but also as regards their work, they also have to allow more 
philosophical principles to intervene, with the purpose of avoiding a 
deviation toward scientific fanaticism of which the investigation 
bases, seemingly unalterable, have become relative, and rapidly 
disposable. At the present moment, after acknowledging the most 
elementary aspect of things, one can affirm that they are not 
discoveries, but rather rediscoveries. 

    Religion (from Latin, "religare", to gather, unite) is not 
understood in our present days, in its true sense... More than three 
hundred sects frequently assume the name of " Religion ", and the 
consciences of the men are divided and await an answer in order to 
solve the tortures of the soul. None of the great philosophies have 
been able to satisfy the investigators. The main churches have been 
divided and subdivided into sects and subsects! Intolerance has given 
birth to fanaticism, opening the way to hatred, stimulated by the 
political ardors, forgetting that the theology of different religions 
is built upon identical bases; they only change the terminologies and 
the ceremonies. 

    Instead of constructing buildings to adore the symbols and 
emblems of Truth, it would be preferable to worship Truth directly, 
building a Spiritual Temple of universal dimensions. 

    Art has lost its sacred character a long time ago (we should 
emphasize its sacred character), and it is time for the artists to 
return to their true mission offering elements, not solely 
susceptible ones to the physical senses, but also a synthesis of 
manifestations that open up a route to the spiritual qualities. The 
musical scale corresponds to the spectrum of the colors, as well as 
to metals and very defined forms. The planets of the Cosmos are 
related with the endocrine glands. A sound is identical to a 
chromatic vibration, to an astral tonality and its magnetism is 
related to a neurofluidic centre of the organism, as well as another 
musical note is at the same time related to 
its "color", "planet", "metal", "word", to its graphic form and its 
plexus in the human being, etc.... 

    In the New Age the artistic mission will be able to be achieved 
by the exteriorización of the individuality, with its psychic 
attributes; by offering a work of art able to reveal an occult 
teaching through symbols or at least signs that may serve as bases to 
true concentration, allowing the individual to be carried out of 
himself. Professors, psychologists, educators of all classes, are 
facing the mentality of those who no longer have space for "belief" 
inside them; therefore, it is necessary to give explanations, 
avoiding discussing details and rather providing information of a 
general or global type; for that reason they must dedicate themselves 
to the most diverse matters and it is also necessary to base the 
lessons upon enough data, of the most distant sources. 

    Teaching has often been reduced to a dangerous limitation. Men 
and women of the XXth century want a Mathesis of Knowledge and not a 
small part of it. It is already time to reveal complete reality, in 
the abstract things as well as in concrete things, that is, TRUTH. 



What is the U.G.B? 

     The U.G.B., is above all, an Initiatic institution for 
Humanity's reeducation and, therefore, its bases are determined by an 
Assembly of Sages. The U.G.B. is a global cultural Institution and, 
consequently, its members (in the individual or collective sense) can 
sustain diverse conceptions and even belong to other organizations. 
On the other hand, the U.G.B. is a generic term that includes 
numerous other institutions (several organizations work in 
coordination with the U.G.B. and some associations have even been 
amalgamated completely). Also, the Institution has a missional board: 
the Order of Aquarius, where its true members are formed. 

    THE UNIVERSAL GREAT BROTHERHOOD (U.G.B.), Dr. Serge Raynaud de la 
Ferrière´s Foundation, and its vehicle the MISSION of the ORDER of 
AQUARIUS, is a civil and cultural organization and its objective is 
to bring together Science, Art and Religion for an intellectual 
improvement and a spiritual reeducation, by means of the coalition of 
all sects, associations, societies, humanitarian, philosophical, 
scientific, artistic, occult, religious and initiatic societies. 

    The goals of this Institution can be resumed as the following: to 
unite people, whatever be their belief, nationality, sex and 
condition, who fight for the supremacy of the Spirit and who agree to 
establish Peace in the heart of all men, all over the world, in order 
to carry out a Universal Fraternity, represented at the present 
moment by more than one hundred and fifty different institutions, 
amalgamated under the name of UNIVERSAL GREAT BROTHERHOOD. 

    THE UNIVERSAL GREAT BROTHERHOOD is inscribed in the O. N. U. as a 
Non Governamental Organization, it has also been inscribed in the 
UNESCO collaborating with its educational programs. It is not a 
sectarian or political organization. Its 22 Universal Statutes are 
legally registered in each one of the countries where it works. It 
works in the social well-being field with: schools for children, 
literacy campaigns, clinics, libraries, chats to prisoners, feminine 
servers of social attendance, ecological sport clubs (for children 
and adults), recreational, theatrical, artistic acts, support groups, 
colonies for idealistic people, initiatic schools, sanctuaries for 
mystics, temples for meditation, teachings on compared religions, 
sciences, art, philosophy, metaphysics, esoterism, psychology, etc. 
This year is the celebration of the 55nd year of the foundation 
(January 18th 1948) working worldwide for the union of the people 
through the Wisdom, the Tolerance and the Peace. 

Founded in 1948 in the city of Caracas, Venezuela

55 years working for the Peace of the World


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