Dear Members 
Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:40 pm
"joy.alma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have attended the yoga courses of the MISA school for 13 years, and 
I have
also been a
teacher of this school between 2003 and 2007, which is why I am a 
member of this
I have left this school last year in summer after finding out some 
very strange
things that
are happening in this organisation, and I would like to confirm that, 
to my
most of the accusations against the MISA school and its leaders are 
I will keep my message as short as possible, and I will limit my 
affirmations to
the things
that I know that are true and which I have been able to verify.
Regarding the "tantric educational movies", I would like to specify 
that I have
the Giant Tantra Sex Box in November last year, and this is still 
available on
the market, as
you can verify for yourselves by clicking for example the following 
link, which
is only one
of the sellers:
This box includes four movies, and I have recognised colleagues of 
mine and yoga
teachers from the MISA school in all of them, one of them being Mr. 
Stoian, who did
not use his real name, but the name of Paul Diamond. However, he can 
be very
recognised. Two of these movies: Erotic Secrets and Secrets of 
include video-
clips that where filmed either during the yoga camps or at some 
special shakti
groups, and
they were shown in the school on different occasions to a large 
number of
people. The
movie Exaltation of pee was filmed in the yoga camp in Costinesti, 
and the girls
participants in the Miss Shakti Contest. They were told it was a 
secret test of
competition and that the only person to watch them was Mr. Gregorian 
the leader
of the school. How they got and are still on the porno market is 
perhaps at this
less relevant. I would only like you to ponder, why a so-
called "spiritual
teacher" would like
his female followers to be filmed performing sexual perversions, as 
you can see
in this
movie, be it for private use or not. For me this is impossible to 
However, this is not the most serious thing that is happening at the 
moment. Mr.
keeps inviting young and attractive women who are students of the 
school to have
with him in order to initiate them as shaktis. As he never uses 
there are more
and more women who report having been infected by him with sexually 
diseases. Although he has repeatedly been informed about this 
situation, he
continues to
deny and keeps spreading the diseases.
I leave it up to you to decide whether this is a spiritual attitude, 
and whether
you would
like to continue to support this organisation.
I am at your disposal for any further questions you might have.
Mihaela Frincu

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