Namaste Dear Mihai,
You still do not answer my mail. Instead you are continuously talking about being persecuted. Is it not better to search for the reason of your problem, if you want to solve it? That is what I am proposing you. For the sake of your school, our International Yoga Federation and all people involved. Tantra Yoga of the left path is a very dangerous way of practising Yoga. You can not involve innocent people with that, without building a huge amount of Karma. Nowhere in the world this is permitted. Your government certainly feels that danger, but can not prove it, because they are not expert in the field. You can correct your practice and your problems will vanish as snow under the sun. Please Mihai, come now to rest and try to realize the opportunity I offer you. Many true Yoga teachers in the world are prepared to do the same for you. Let me know that you are ready to hear my advise. Something else is bothering me. In your website you write: "Biroul de presã MISA precizeazã cã MISA este de ani buni membrã cu drepturi depline a FIY, iar Gregorian Bivolaru este membru pe viaþã al Consiliului Mondial Yoga (World Yoga Council), forul conducãtor al Federaþiei. Reprezentanþii FIY s-au convins de mult cum stau lucrurile în realitate ºi care este valoarea spiritualã a ºcolii de Yoga MISA din România, de aceea au ºi ales þara noastrã ca loc de desfãºurare în acest an al congresului mondial al federaþiei." Which translated means: The PR office of MISA stipulates that MISA has been a full member of the IYF for a long time, and that Mister Gregorian Bivolaru is a lifetime member in World Yoga Council, the leading body of the Federation. IYF representatives have understood the true nature of things and the real spiritual value of MISA yoga school in Romania for quite a while now. That's why they have chosen our country as the holding site of the World Congress of the Federation this year. Can you please correct that also? First state the exact date since when you are member of the IYF and state the names of the representatives of the IYF having understood the true nature of things and the real spiritual value of MISA yoga school in Romania for quite a while now. You must also be aware of the fact that the International Yoga Federation is not happy with MISA. It has allready thrown MISA out of the International Yoga Sports Federation, because MISA was not paying the fee and had changed the rules. Finally, do not suggest that the IYF is supporting your left path practices. That is not the truth. Yours friendly, Shri Yogacharya Ajita (Philippe Barbier) Honorary Secretary of the International Yoga Federation for the European Union President of the European Yoga Council of European Yoga Alliance Honorary Life Member of the World Yoga Council Member of the World Yoga Parliament Member of the International Yoga Therapy Council Member of the Coregroup of the Samenwerkende Yogadocenten Nederland Director of the Raja Yoga Institute Ilpendam, Holland