Reply of yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru regarding the letter of MISA 
ex-yoga teacher Mihaela Francu:

Attention: considering the fact that the letter of Mrs. Mihaela 
Francu contains many despicable lies and calumnies, which 
could "convince" only the minds of those naïve and ignorant, we 
challenge her by this
reply to accept, with the courage implied by the actual truth, a few 
substantial bets that we are already sure she will lose, if she will 
dare to accept them. Nevertheless, we believe it is necessary to 
provoke her in this manner because we have a lot of crushing evidence 
meant to easily destroy the despicable lies she sustains. Her 
insolence is surprising us.

I regret the fact that the website of the Federation started to be 
used by some people in order to spread around without any shame 
despicable calumnies and dirty insinuations regarding the MISA yoga
school and me personally. The visceral hatred and the resentments 
that animate some of the calumniators, which are full of bad 
intentions, make us feel compassion for them. I was surprised to 
notice that Mrs. Mihaela Francu plays the role of an implacable MISA 
accuser and she even dares to say:

"most of the accusations against the MISA School and its leaders are 

The great yogi Swami Sivananda said: "Before accusing your neighbor, 
first look for your own flaws".

We will see if Mrs. Mihaela Francu forgot to do that. A wise man said 
that we should not trust the accusations which are not based on 
striking proofs.

This human being rushes to make accusations based on calumnies, 
gossip and despicable lies.
We are surprised by the nonchalance this person shows when she says 
she will make reference "to the things that I know that are true and 
which I have been able to verify".

In this reply we will invoke arguments based on facts which prove 
that what Mrs. Mihaela Francu says are mostly lies and ordinary 
gossip of the lowest degree. It is obvious that she did not read the 
reply of
Mr. Mihai Stoian, in order to discover that certain aspects she 
refers to so passionately have been already clarified. Isn't it 
significant that Mr. Barney â€" the distributor of these tapes â€" 
already decided to withdraw from public use those erotic movies, 
which reached to him, by some suspicious means, through certain so-
called intermediaries from Romania ? (about which we tend to believe 
that in reality they were working for the Romanian Secret Service and 
they provided him with the tapes confiscated from the Sophrozin 
foundation when they did the house searches in 2004). That messenger, 
called “Mikael”, advised him to distribute them on the ground of a 
suspicious contract. Mr Barney already knows about that and in the 
recent talk he had with Mr. Mihai Stoian he showed his deep concern. 
In the end of that conversation, he said that he will withdraw 
immediately from public use all those movies which, in reality, were 
not given to him by authorized persons from the “Sophrozin” 
Foundation in Romania .

The desire of Mrs. Francu to make scandal and to promote gossip and 
calumny is obvious, considering the fact that she says: "I would like 
to specify that I have purchased the Giant Tantra Sex Box in November 
last year (2007)".

If Mrs. Francu is not interested in these aspects â€" we wonder why did 
she actually buy these tapes herself? It is also odd that when she 
speaks about the illegal way in which these tapes could have appeared 
on the porn market, Mrs. Francu makes an affirmation which is 
shocking for any human being that is intelligent and has common 
sense. Here is what she says regarding these movies which were 
distributed without the right to do so, in order to thus make a 
scandal and to amplify the misinformation regarding this yoga 
school: ”How they got and are still on the porno market is perhaps at 
this moment less relevant".
In other words, even if we have already proven that these erotic 
tapes, which had been confiscated by the prosecutors and then 
distributed illegally by bad intended persons which were active 
within the Secret
Service, this very serious and un-acceptable aspect is "less 
relevant" for Mrs. Francu.

Attention! If Mrs. Mihaela Francu did not understand or if she 
pretends that she did not understand that some of these tapes were 
distributed illegally by Mr. Barney, we now challenge her to make a 
bet of 100.000 euros. We are wondering: will Mrs. Francu have the 
courage to make this bet we propose to her, if she has no proof to 
support her hazardous affirmations, which are in fact lies? Unlike, 
Mrs. Francu, we have three unshakeable proofs which confirm without a 
doubt the truth of our affirmations (namely: several erotic tapes 
which were confiscated at the house searches in 2004 contained film 
shots that were not destined for public distribution, and they were 
distributed without the right to do so by some suspicious messengers, 
which we suspect that in reality were employers of the Romanian 
Secret Service.) We underline once more that, unlike her, who lies 
with nonchalance, we have undeniable proofs which will prove the 
truth of our affirmations.

With this occasion, we remind Mrs. Francu of what the wise men 
say: "The striking truth of facts, as soon as facts exist, is and 
remains one and the same. Facts never cease to exist, not even when 
they are ignored by ignorant, perverted and bad intended people."

If Mrs. Francu makes this bet, we assure her in advance that she will 
lose it. Why? Because, unlike us, she does not have anything to 
sustain her despicable lies that she spreads around. This difference 
is essential. If Mrs. Francu dares to make this bet with us, we 
announce her that we will donate the entire amount she will have to 
pay when she will lose this bet (100.000 euros) to MISA yoga school.

We are filled with compassion seeing how keen Mrs. Francu is to 
accuse us when she rushes to label, in an obviously tendentious 
manner, some scenes in which some feminine persons having urinary 
orgasm were filmed. She stigmatized all those things with the absurd 
label of "sexual perversions" . Only a sick mind like that of Mrs. 
Francu can label the act of urinating, which every human being does 
everyday, as "sexual perversions" . Did Mrs. Mihaela Francu think 
that when she goes to toilet herself in order to pee, according to 
her accusing vision, she also does "sexual perversions" ? This shows 
the meanness and visceral hatred both against MISA yoga school and 
against yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru that animates Mrs. Francu in 
the present moment. We ask all those who want to be convinced about 
this to watch those sequences with urinary orgasm in order to become 
clear for them whether they are or are not "sexual perversions" , as 
Mrs. Francu claims.

Now we will refer to some absurd affirmation regarding me and which, 
at the same time, are some despicable lies that Mrs. Francu, in her 
insolence, dares to spread about me. I want to underline that I feel 
great compassion seeing the hatred and the stubborn desire to 
denigrate me, which Mrs. Francu manifests regarding me. And we have 
to consider that I, personally, have never done any harm to her, her 
keenness full of passion brings into the light also the stupidity 
that animates her. Mrs. Francu dares to say, without any shame, that 
Gregorian Bivolaru is having sexual relations. Through this 
affirmation she intends to put us in the light of infamy. We are 
aware that the bad and pervert ones judge easily and passionately the 
others, according to their own perversity. Therefore, we remind Mrs. 
Francu the wise words of Jesus: "Before you pick the straw in the eye 
of your neighbour, take care of the big stick in your own eye". We 
want to let Mrs. Francu know that in reality we have never had, we 
never have and we will never have sexual relations. If she likes to 
sexual relations, it is her choice. But we have never had and will 
never have sexual relations. Her affirmation, saying that Yoga 
Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru has only sexual relations is a great lie. 
Those who know me know that I often condemned and will always condemn 
sexual relations without love which from our perspective, when it 
does not imply love, is degrading for the human being. Considering 
that Mrs. Francu is used to having only sex makes her believe that we 
also have only sexual relations. Well, we tell her now that she is 
extremely wrong when she imagines that Gregorian Bivolaru makes sex 
only without love.

Now, we move on to the most serious and most despicable affirmation 
that Mrs. Francu dares to make about us. Without a doubt, her mean 
accusation is shocking for us and we find it revolting. At the same 
time, we are surprised by the stupidity that Mrs. Francu shows. She 
actually says: "there are more and more women who report having been 
infected by him with sexually transmitted diseases."

Those naïve or ignorant who will read these lines will be thrilled 
with horror (as this is Mrs. Francu's intention) and they will rush 
to say: "This yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru is so vile, this man is 
such a criminal. Look, not only that he keeps infecting more and more 
innocent women, but at the same time, with a criminal 
unconsciousness, he remains constantly infected himself, having many 
sexually transmitted diseases. And he does this only to transmit them 
to some innocent women he has sexual relations with.”

Such information, obviously stupid, aims to show at the same time 
that Gregorian Bivolaru is a sadistic, unconscious, insane, 
irresponsible and also a masochistic man, because he stays for year 
like this, being destroyed by such awful sexually transmitted 
diseases which he constantly refuses to treat himself of. Regarding 
those "more and more women", Mrs. Francu does not give any names. 
Regarding the many diseases of Gregorian Bivolaru, she does not 
mention anything specific. In this way, she insinuates skillfully 
that Gregorian Bivolaru is already infected with all possible 
sexually transmitted diseases, having even syphilis or AIDS. 
Regarding the affirmation that Gregorian Bivolaru has unprotected 
sex, Mrs. Francu does not say who the person that confessed these to 
her is. She does not care about the facts, but about the accusations, 
which should be as many and as serious as possible.

If we were to believe totally these few frightening words written by 
Mrs. Francu especially for those naïve and ignorant, a person with no 
intelligence whatsoever could easily be decried, stigmatized, made 
dirty and put in the light of infamy through such despicable 
calumnies. If we put our mind to it and we summon her to court for 
calumny, we are already sure that Mrs. Francu would rush to defend 
herself, saying that she heard all these stories from different 
people and could not give at least one specific name and address to 
sustain the serious affirmations which now she dares to make. If she 
was asked how does she know that Mr. Gregorian Bivolaru has sexually 
transmitted diseases, she would back off, saying that she heard about 
this from different people but she would add that she does not know 
exactly if this man really has those many sexually transmitted 
diseases or not.

Eventually, we are sure that if she was sued for calumny, Mrs. 
Mihaela Francu would back off saying that she only said what she 
heard other people saying (without considering that maybe those 
persons lie or are keen on bringing calumnies with bad intention 
against a man, in order to denigrate him).

An ancient common sense principle says: "Do not do unto others what 
you would not want done to yourself" We are completely sure that if 
somebody would have done the same affirmations about her, which 
Mihaela Francu made about Gregorian Bivolaru, Mrs. Francu would have 
been shocked, revolted and she would have righteously asked her 
self: "How did this person dare to harm me so much?". But Mihaela 
Francu did not ask herself this question at all when she made such 
serious affirmations and said these lies regarding a man whom until 
2007 she hypocritically considered to be her yoga teacher. It is 
worthwhile to ask ourselves: does this person have common sense? The 
peak hypocrisy is that this person claims to have done yoga within 
MISA yoga school for 13 years. Here what Mihaela Francu says in the 
beginning of her message: "I have attended the yoga courses of the 
MISA School for 13 years"

But we found out that the range of calumnies of Mrs. Francu was not 
limited to only these very serious accusations. To make her dirty 
inventions even more credible, Mrs. Francu has made up without any 
shame not only certain so-called persons which have been 
sexually "infected" by Gregorian Bivolaru. She even dares to say: "he 
has repeatedly been informed about this situation". Reading all the 
despicable lies she was not ashamed to put on paper, we remind Mrs. 
Francu that "lie has short legs" and we ask her, in the name of 
truth, to answer the following questions â€" we already know she will 
not be able to answer them, because in reality such situations never 
existed and do not exist:

1. When exactly (date, place, year, day, hour) was Gregorian Bivolaru 
even once informed that he has sexually transmitted diseases?

2. Who exactly (name and address) informed him about this?

3. What is the name and address of the other persons who informed 
Gregorian Bivolaru that he is the carrier or transmitter of certain 
presumed sexually transmitted diseases?

4. What were the sexually transmitted diseases it was said that 
Gregorian Bivolaru had, on that occasion?

Is Mrs. Francu willing to make a bet with Gregorian Bivolaru against 
100.000 euros if there was ever at least one real person (not one 
that was made up!!!) or at least one time (real, not made up) when 
Gregorian Bivolaru was informed that he was infected with sexually 
transmitted diseases?

If Mihaela Francu is so sure about the lies she sustains in this 
letter, she could immediately engage herself in this bet. We announce 
her that anyway she will lose it, and this is because everything she 
makes up and spreads around are only despicable lies and dirty 
calumnies, which have no chance to be proven because all of them, 
without exception, refer to so-called "facts" which in reality do not 
exists. Considering that Mrs. Francu says with insolence that yoga 
teacher Gregorian Bivolaru was informed many times about the sexually 
transmitted diseases he had, we ask her to say exactly the names, 
addresses, dates, hours and places when he was informed about this. 
At the same time, we ask her ask her to tell us if there were other 
persons present there as witnesses.

Beyond all these despicable lies and phantasmagorical and criminal 
insinuations, Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru says clearly and firmly 
that he did not have and he does not have any sexually transmitted 
disease. Facing these insinuations and revolting accusations, he 
proposes both to Mrs. Mihaela Francu as well as to other people who 
spread such dirty lies to dare immediately to accept the following 
bet, which Mr. Bivolaru is ready anytime to make:

Attention!!! Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru makes a bet against 
100.000 euro that he did not have and he does not have any sexually 
transmitted disease. For this, the person willing to take this bet 
should first prepare this amount of money and give it to a third 
trustful person. Once this is done, yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru 
will go together with the person who will make the bet to have the 
tests regarding the sexually transmitted disease which the respective 
person accuses him to have. If in the end it will be proven that yoga 
teacher Gregorian Bivolaru is healthy, the person who made the bet 
will lose the money and that amount of money will be donated to MISA 
yoga school. In this way we make it clear that yoga teacher Gregorian 
Bivolaru is healthy and that he has no sexually transmitted diseases.

We are willing to make this real bet starting with the date when this 
reply is published. At the same time, we ask Mihaela Francu to answer 
immediately to all the above asked questions. Considering that in the 
letter of Mihaela Francu it is specified a certain so-
called "repetitive warning" regarding the fact that I am infected and 
a transmitter of sexually transmitted diseases, it would be easy to 
prove at least two of these warnings. In reality, we know very well 
already that it never existed not even one such warning from anybody 
simply because I have never been and I am not infected with any 
sexually transmitted diseases and I do not have any other diseases 

In Mrs. Francu's letter there is another despicable calumny regarding 
my so called sexually transmitted diseases which she says I spread 
around. This is what she says: "he continues to deny and keeps 
spreading the diseases" 

About this supplementary despicable calumny we supplementary ask Mrs. 
Francu to answer the following questions:

1. When did I deny that I have those so-called sexually transmitted 
diseases which Mihaela Francu says that I have?

2. Who was the person present when I denied these things?

3. What did I deny regarding my so-called sexually transmitted 
diseases which in reality Mihaela Francu claims that I have?

4. When and where was that meeting in which it is said that I denied 
those things?

5. Who are the specific people (names, addresses) about whom it is 
claimed that I had infected with sexually transmitted diseases?

Considering the seriousness of these calumnious accusations, we ask 
Mrs. Mihaela Francu to answer immediately and to tell us all these 
information that we ask from her.

At the same time, as the “test of fire”, we ask Mrs. Mihaela Francu 
to accept immediately the bet we have suggested. This is the only way 
to see if she really has the courage to sustain these despicable 
lies, at
the price of losing the bet we suggest. Anyway, we are sure that Mrs. 
Mihaela Francu will not dare to make this bet, because deep in her 
soul she already knows that any lie is destroyed by the striking 
evidence of truth.

Through this reply we give a deadly strike to all those who, for 
years, have been spreading many despicable calumnies about us, some 
of them being extremely stupid. It is sad to notice that some human
beings waste their time and energy in order to cause as much harm as 
possible, plotting all kind of miserable situations. Gossip and 
calumny are sins which will stay with those who make them. Those who
do such evil things will receive all the evil they cause. Remember 
what Jesus says: "Who shall sow wind, shall reap storm". We are 
surprised that at the end of this letter the so called "yoghini" 
Mihaela Francu
hopes, in a silly way, that the poison of her skillfully made up lies 
will be effective. After spreading all this awful gossip, Mihaela 
Francu will then ask with hypocrisy "you would like to continue to 
support this organization? ".

Considering that Mrs. Francu says: "I am at your disposal for any 
further questions ", we will see if she will have the courage to make 
at least one of the bets we suggested in this reply.
It is amazing for us that such a human being who lies without any 
shame, gossips and spreads the poison of doubt regarding a yoga 
school and a human being (Gregorian Bivolaru), which have been and 
are still
treated unjustly, discriminated and unfairly put in the light of 
infamy, she hypocritically ends her poisonos letter with: "Sincerely".

Beyond all these, for Mrs. Mihaela Francu we feel great compassion 
and we pray to God the Father to forgive her for the hatred and 
meanness that animates her, because we are aware that in the state of 
ignorance she is, she does not know what she does.

We hope that reading carefully and lucidly this reply, which speaks 
about facts and is asking for facts, and not for lies, will help 
those who are careful, intuitive and intelligent to realize what is 
the truth that often hides behind appearances?

I wrote this reply because, as the wise men say: “calumny should 
never be disregarded or minimized, even if it is just a lie.”

Gregorian Bivolaru

Yoga Teacher

Mentor of MISA Yoga School

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