Quoting teckman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| Hello again..
|  My question was could anyone point me to  a faq..... or anything easy to
| read/follow.

I myself needed the same information not too long ago, but I found
everything I needen in DejaNews. It hardly post any questions about
Linux, because I find the answer on DejaNews in 95 % of the cases.

| I did provide details of what i wanted to do in case it was a
| quick easy fix!

I don't know of any faq concerning chroot.

| Thanks again for the link. I dont use dejanews so i would never thought to look
| there.

My biggest problem was this ftponly shell everybody mentioned, but at
last I found it (on DejaNews (no, I'm not sponsored :)), and maybe it
will save you some trouble.

Put it in /bin, and add whatever you call it in /etc/shells.
Then the rest of the work is configuring /etc/ftpaccess.

Mail me directly if you can't figure it out.

Good luck!

- M

      # ftponly shell
      trap "/bin/echo Sorry; exit 0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 15
      /bin/echo "***************************************************************
      /bin/echo "    You are NOT allowed interactive access to this system."
      /bin/echo "    Your user account is restricted to ftp and web access."
      /bin/echo "  Direct questions concerning this policy to $Admin."
      /bin/echo "***************************************************************
      # C'ya
      exit 0  

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