
> --- Linux CD ---
>  I tried to make a linux Mandrake CD, taking some data from one CD and other progs 
>from another CD.
>  My problem is that when I try to install Mandrake it reply that there no Mandrake 
>CDROM inside the driver.
>  I hope that copy cd one-to-one not is the only solution possible because the CD 
>that contains my mandrake contains about 300Mb of WIN-PC shareware progs too.

Do you have a /Mandrake directory on your CD? Is it the exact same
structure as the original CD?

Is the CD in Rock-Ridge, Joliet or plain iso9660? (If someone could answer
that, I'd appreciate!)

> --- mount ---
> I've write a CD-ROM in file system OSTA UDF known as "packet writing" but I'cannot 
>mount it.
> If I mount this CD I see only a ISO9660 partition that contains a message about OSTA 
>UDF file system ad a win95 driver for this file system.
> If OSTA UDF file system is supported by linux how I can get this features ?

What software are you using to burn your CD and what version?

> --- core ---
> What's is the 'core' file that frequently I found in my /root directory (and 
>frequently I remove) ? 

When a program terminates abnormally, it creates a core file. 

> --- daemons ---
> Are really useful this daemons for a single machine (no net), with only Internet 
>connection but no e-mail or news utilities active ?
>   224  ?  S    0:00 klogd
>   266  ?  S    0:00 inetd
>   280  ?  S    0:00 named
>   318  ?  S    0:00 sendmail: accepting connections on port 25  

Leave klogd (kernel log) and inetd. If you don't have inetd enabled,
you'll find most  web, ftp, etc. sites will not allow you in.

named and sendmail, it's safe to turn them off, if you configure your
internet applications to use your ISP's servers.

You can turn them off easily using linuxconf, in the control panel
> May I kill anyone ? And uninstall ?
> Thank to all that will help me to free me by Windows slavish :-<

Hope that helps

Jean-Michel Dault

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