On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 06:47:23   Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
>> --- Linux CD ---
>>  I tried to make a linux Mandrake CD, taking some data from one CD and other progs 
>from another CD.
>>  My problem is that when I try to install Mandrake it reply that there no Mandrake 
>CDROM inside the driver.
>>  I hope that copy cd one-to-one not is the only solution possible because the CD 
>that contains my mandrake contains about 300Mb of WIN-PC shareware progs too.
>Do you have a /Mandrake directory on your CD? Is it the exact same structure as the 
>original CD? 
 YES, I've take all files directly from CD.
 I see that mandrake is a link in TRANS.TBL to a REDHAT directory.

>Is the CD in Rock-Ridge, Joliet or plain iso9660? (If someone could answer
>that, I'd appreciate!)
 I think it is ISO9660 with TRANS.TBL non in all directory. 
 I think it's no a Joliet because long name is available only from Linux by TRANS.TBL.

>> --- mount ---
>> I've write a CD-ROM in file system OSTA UDF known as "packet writing" but I'cannot 
>mount it.
>> If I mount this CD I see only a ISO9660 partition that contains a message about 
>OSTA UDF file system ad a win95 driver for this file system.
>> If OSTA UDF file system is supported by linux how I can get this features ?
>What software are you using to burn your CD and what version?
 CeQuadrat PacketCD 2.0 x WIN95

>> Thank to all that will help me to free me by Windows slavish :-<
>Hope that helps

 Yesssss, Thankssssss a lot!

 reply to expert@... or directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Jean-Michel Dault

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