Not so long ago I posted this:

>It's springtime and so I decided to try out something new. Maybe someone
>can hint me at some docs/sites/etc about this:
>Currently I have three installations here on three different HD's (IDE
>only): Linux, WinNt and Win98. I swap the drives using a drive bay.
>Now what I want to do is:
>build another box from the remains I have laying around, stick those
>Windows-ridden drives and an Ethernet card in and run everything from
>within Linux only using Samba.
>I don't want to use something like VMWare for performance and stability
>Main problem so far:
>How do I boot the new box from within Linux? i.e.: NT's boot screen and
>login prompt must be visible/accessible via Linux since NT's box won't
>have a keyboard attached. As far as I see this seems to require a somehow
>'intelligent' network card with a BIOS that runs independently from the
>OS, right? Is there something like this? Or am I completely nuts?
>In case you don't know what the hell I am talking about, I will try to be
>more explicit in a reply.

I just gave the new VMware beta (http://www.vmware.com) a second shot and
I have to say it has improved *a lot*.
Installation and configuration took about 15 minutes. I am running Windows
NT 4 WS SP 3 (german version) in a window at a 1024x768 resolution and a
16bit color display (my X server runs at 1280x1024 at 16bit). I can
cut&paste between X and NT, the mouse focus changes automatically, dial-up
and networking works and even such programs like BestCrypt (which is a
kind of emulation software itself). Mapping for my german keyboard is
flawless. Speed is tolerable with 64 MB assigned to NT and 64 to Linux and
a AMD-K6 II 350Mhz and improves significantly when vmware is run in
full-screen mode. 
I am really impressed. I will try vnc and a kmv switch
anyway but vmware surely is my favourite at the moment.



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