Jeanette Russo wrote:
> Where can I find the seat-HOWTO.html can't find it anywhere and need to go
> somewhere.
> Jeanette
I found out that there are a lot of different seat-HOWTOs
depending on which airline you use. There have been great efforts
(and even greater threads about it in the news) to apply a
standard so everybody could bring his own tools. But then again
one airline made small adjustments to it's users needs (or so
they say) and their seats can't be set up following another
airline's HOWTO. Another airline released a new plane and
suddenly the way the seats are installed changed completely. They
claim to be following a certain standard which was severely
discussed afterwards in the news (discussion still goes on).

An other airline does not hand out tools or HOWTOs. They let the
passengers install their seats just following their individual
likes. Spokesman stated that "We are a free airline and our
passengers may use our equipment as they like!"

All this is confusing but not so important an issue. It will
definitely get into an important stage when the main supplier of
the airplane's machines will decide to build only paragliders for
the rest of his life :-)

BTW: Great thing, Axalon! Thanks!

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