On Wed, 07 Jul 1999, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> > 1)  Sendmail always fails to shut down when I shut my system down, even right
> > after a fresh install, with or without all updated packages installed.  What
> > would cause this?
> Your /etc/hosts is misconfigured, check if your entry in /etc/hosts
> point to a good address.

Hosts is fine, I think, it just has the entry which I assume is all I
need since my only networking is a dial-up PPP connection.

I played around with it for a bit though and at one point I tried reinstalling
the sendmail RPM's, and the rpm command gave a failed dependency message
saying sendmail conflicts with postfix.  Oops, guess there was a downside to
choosing 'Everything' during installation (I prefer to install everything and
then remove packages I'm sure I don't need afterward).

I removed the postfix package and reinstalled the sendmail packages, and now it
shuts down fine. :)

> > 2)  When I try to install the updated printtool package (using rpm -Uvh
> > printtool-3.40-5mdk.noarch.rpm) I am given this message:
> > error: failed dependencies:
> >         >= is needed by printtool-3.40-5mdk
> it's was a bug with rpm, check the last version (6mdk).

Ah, a newer version since I dl'ed my updates just a couple days ago. :) 
Thanks, I have 6mdk now and it works fine.

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