On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Linux Happy User wrote:

> Mike Fistonich wrote:
> > Hi
> > Does anyone how I can reduce the long delay when
> > telnetting between two linux (L-M 5.3) boxes ,
> > they can ping eachother with no delay but
> > ftp &  telnet do nothing for 30s or so
> > before the login prompt .
> > cheers
> >
> > _________________________________________________________
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> Check the way each machine is recognized by the other. You may have an
> authorization file '/etc/hosts.allow' refering to a DNS domain (like
> ALL: .local.domain) while address for your machines can not be resolved
> through the DNS. To check that the source of your problem, try putting
> en 'IP / hostname' mapping in the /etc/hosts of your machines for the
> other machine.
> Didier

Yep this is probably whats going on, if they give you to much grief setup
a mini dns server. Putting them in /etc/hosts should solve it however

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