Jelai Wang wrote:
> >This is a feature where you can use crtl-c/v/.. unfortunately it  break
> >alt-o.
> >To go back to the previous case:
> >rm /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Netscape
> Jacques,
> Thanks for the tip, I get alt-o now.  I'll investigate further if it changed 
>anything else, because it looks like that file was the old file from 
>other dists I've used.
> What do you mean when you say that you have to break alt-o to be able to use ctrl-c, 
>ctrl-v, etc?  Do you mean using C-c in netscape, or just in general (across kde)?

Yes it's work for example between Netscape and kedit. But it's just equal to
alt-c/v. So alt-c under Netscape and then crtl-v under kedit give the same

For all former Windows user and ctrl-c/v addict it's painful to delete a big
piece of text under Netscape by doing crtl-c on the normal Netscape.

If someone is able to provide a that gives crtl-c/v/a and don't
breack alt-o it would be a great value..


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