On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, you wrote:
--I've uncommented the line in httpd.conf 
-# To use CGI scripts: 
-AddHandler cgi-script .cgi 
-I'm using apache-1.3.6-50mdk
-When I try to run a script that is not in the cgi-bin I get the
-following Error
-You don't have permission to access /Weekly/CHARTS/index.cgi on this
-To test it I have chmod 777 but still no luck.
-Before I get flamed about perl scripts not in cgi-bin, this script is on
-a secure intranet.
-It worked perfectly on redhat 5.2 with apache 1.3.2

A couple of possibilities.  

First, one of the directories in the path has an owner/perm combination
that forbids nobody (or whatever user apache runs as on your system)
from executing a file in it. 

Second, you do not have a <directory> declaration allowing scripts to
be run from /Weekly/CHARTS/.  In access.coinf add somethig like:

<Directory {path to /Weekly/CHARTS} >
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI
Stephen Carville
Operating complicated machinery whilst possessed of the 
cognitive powers of a sea slug and the disposition
of a polar bear with a toothache is very unwise

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